27 August 2007

About the author

Defensive. Receptive. Entranced. Halachical. New Yorker. Idealistic. Queer. Wanderer. Sentimental. Oriented. Hebrew. Sensory. Conventional. Shy. Worn. Logical. Rushing. Grateful. Fatalistic. American. Radio-rocking. Slam-attending. Handball-playing. Absent-minded. Pluralistic. Rocky Horror. Thoughtful. Hugger. Exploring. Radical. Guy. Jew. Me.

What else?


DeDe said...

ooooohh I know who you are....la la la la la la.....

it was the rocky horror that gave it away

chillul Who? said...

Hah DeDe, it's not a secret identity... I just decided I needed a cool "nom-de-blog"

Anonymous said...

I like your nom de blog!


chillul Who? said...

todah rabah, tovah!

Anonymous said...

I finally clicked on the link and realized you were someone I know in real life.

I like the name:)

Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

chillul you!

Michael Koplow said...

My wife and I saw *Rocky Horror Picture Show* on our first date (it was midsummer, and by the time we were showered etc post-Shabbat, the only movies were the late night cult flix). The spectacle was fun, but I couldn't hear anything (background noises don't work for me). On the anniversary of our first date, we rented it so we could actually hear what was going on. It was so awful that we quit after about ten minutes.

Nevertheless, you're probably OK. I'm reserving judgment (and who am I to judge you anyway?).

chillul Who? said...

Thanks MK

I totally agree with you about RHPS btw... I wouldn't recommend the movie by itself to anyone. The Rocky Horror *experience* though, is one of my favorite things: watching the shadowcasters lip-sync the movie, yelling out heckles and dirty jokes, seeing everyone dressed all crazy and dancing along, etc. I've been involved in Rocky casts for about 6 years now.

And feel free to be as judgemental as you want... I won't judge you for it ;)

Kung Fu Jew 18 said...

You forgot to add "ravishly handsome" to that list o' character traits. Come, come now, modest wasn't up there for a reason.